Alex Golts


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About me

I am a Computer Vision and Machine Learning Researcher. I am in Computer Vision since 2013, and Machine Learning since 2014. Before that, I spent 5 years as an Image Processing and Electro-Optics Engineer.

Since 2014, I’m focused on learning based approaches applied to a variety of challenging problems in different domains, mostly, but not exclusively related to Computer Vision.

Since 2021 I am with IBM Research - Haifa, working on Computer Vision and Machine Learning solutions for the Healthcare domain.

I completed my M.Sc in Electrical Engineering at the Technion (2015) under the supervision of Prof. Yoav Schechner, and B.Sc in Physics and Electrical Engineering at the Tel-Aviv University (2008).

I enjoy programming puzzles, traveling, spending time with my family, and premier league football. Not necessarily in that order.


M.Sc thesis


Open source
